Field visit of the regional representative of the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent for the North Asia and Europe (IRRO) to Tajikistan on 7 -13 July 2024

Mr. Selçuk ÖZTÜRK, (IRRO) Representative (ICIC-IRRO), visited Tajikistan on July 7-13, 2024 to inspect the repair work, determine the stage reached by the VOSE School  Project, and hold meetings with the concerned authorities, on how to complete the implementation of the project, especially the toilets, and identify implementation options.

He met with the Tajik Red Crescent – Headquarters, with Messrs.: Qurbuniyon Bahodur Popojun (Secretary General), Udaynaev Nurali Korbunovych (Deputy Secretary-General), Nodir Aminzoda (Coordinator of Communications and International Humanitarian Law, Project Coordinator of the Vose School of Reform) and Shaklo Radjabova (Head of the Department Organizational and international cooperation), and in this meeting they expressed their thanks and gratitude to the ICIC representatives  for undertaking the implementation of maintenance work and to the Bahraini funding associations for their support of the school project, and their wishes for the completion of the toilet project were expressed.

The Vose area was visited by Mr. Selcuk Ozturk IRRO  Regional Representative and Mr. Nodir Aminzoda (Coordinator of Communications , International Humanitarian Law, Tajik Red Crescent, Vose Reform School Project Coordinator), they  met with: Sharipov Nazrulu ( Director of the Fuz School), Gulmurodzoda Bibinisu (Deputy Governor of Fuz), Mirzozoda Faridun (Deputy Governor of Fuz) ,  Saturzoda Tajuddin (Head of the Tajik Red Crescent Branch in Kulyab District), and all of them extended their thanks and appreciation to the ICIC  and Bahraini charities Societies , funding for the maintenance of the school, and they submitted new requests for other humanitarian projects.

In view of the results of this field visit, options for the implanting program were developed to complete this project and work on implementing school toilets according to the prepared designed maps.