Visit of the delegation of the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent ( ICIC) to Tripoli July 13 – 16, 2024.

E. Ambassador Ali Mahmoud Buhedma, ICIC Ptrsident, accompanied by Dr. Mohamed Hamad Elasbali, ICIC Executive Director, made a working visit to Tripoli on 13 – 16 July 2024, to follow up issues related to the ICIC executive administration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Libyan Foreign Bank and the Saudi Embassy in Tripoli.

The ICIC delegation meeting with H. E. Mr. Mohamed Issa, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Political Affairs, in the presence of H. E. Ambassador Khairy Al-Alam, Director of Islamic Affairs, in which ICIC issues were discussed  with the State of Libya,  as  its headquarters in Benghazi, in accordance with ICIC establishment agreement and the  agreement to host ICIC  headquarters, which It deals with administrative and financial facilities.

E. the Ambassador, ICIC President, thanked and appreciated the holding of this meeting, and H.E. the Undersecretary in turn welcomed this meeting. An introductory presentation were given about the ICIC work it carries out, as well as the required administrative and financial facilities. H. E. the Undersecretary expressed understanding of these demands and asked the Director of Islamic Affairs to prepare a verbal note in this regard and submit it to him for necessary action.

The ICIC  delegation had meeting with H. E. Ambassador Khairy Al-Alam, Director of Islamic Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and in this meeting, the correspondence regarding the request for a meeting with the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Political Affairs was followed up, as well as following up on some administrative and financial facilities, who arranged the meeting with His Excellency and promised to follow up the issues requested by the ICIC administration.

The ICIC delegation held a number of meetings at the Libyan Foreign Bank( LFB) with H. E. Dr. Abdel Moneim Ghaith Tabika, LFB Assistant General Manager for Contributions and the Acting General Manager, in the presence of: Mr. Jamal Nasrat, Director of the Department Marketing and External Relations, Mr. Ayman Al-Majribi, Compliance Department, Mr. Hossam Al-Din Hamel, Customer Services Department Officer, and Mr. Khaled Al-Marghani, Director of Banking Operations, discussed issues related to the ICIC  account with the Libyan Foreign Bank, and the ICIC  legal status was confirmed as intergovernmental institution in accordance with the ICIC agreement similar to the multilateral OIC Institutions , its members  are from  ratifying and acceding countries, and it is one of the  specialized institutions of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) , in the fields of humanitarian, social and health work. It is not a non-profit organization, and the LFB  Assistant Director General contributions and the Director General,  requested all department attendees to treat the ICIC as an international intergovernmental institution affiliated with the OIC  and not to be treated as a non-profit organization. Thus, the procedural restrictions on the ICIC account have been lifted in terms of incoming and outgoing transfers, and the communication mechanism with banks officials has been organized.

During this visit to Tripoli, H. E. the ICIC President signed the authorization document for the new regional representative of the Islamic Committee of the International Crescent for North Asia and Europe (IRRO) , based in Ankara – Turkey, in front of the contract editor, it was ratified, and received by ICIC representative to complete the rest of procedures.

The ICIC delegation visited the headquarters of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on its reopening at the Carinthia Hotel in Tripoli, where they were  received by H.E. Counsellor Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Shehri, Chargé d’Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Libya.

The bilateral cooperation relations between the ICIC and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were reviewed, as it is one of the  ICIC founding countries and one of its agreement  parties, and is linked to close cooperation with the King Salman Centre for Relief and Humanitarian Aid and the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, in the fields of humanitarian work,   and with the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the permanent  representative  of the Kingdom at the OIC, as well as with the Kingdom’s Embassies in both Tripoli and Tunisia.   These relations were praised by the ICIC implementing Administration and its readiness to continue strengthening these relations. In turn, H. E. the Chargé d’Affaires praised the important role played by the ICIC in the fields of Humanitarian work, and its readiness to continue providing the necessary facilities to the ICIC , in the conclusion, H. E. the Chargé d’Affaires thanked the ICIC  delegation for their visit, and in turn, H. E. the ICIC President  extended thanks and appreciation for the warm reception and the fruitful discussion that took place and his welcome to H. E. upon his visit to Benghazi.